Friday, October 29, 2004

Boston Red Sox VS George W. Bush

George W. Bush said just a coupla days ago, "John Kerry will only win if the Boston Red Sox win The World Series".
O.K. Like, when hell freezes over.
But seriously, what's the worst alternative? George Dubya is studip, Kerry LOOKS stupider.
Bill Clinton didn't inhale, George W. has a coupla VERY cute daughters, but what has John Kerry done?


Dude, George Junior is probably the dumbest, corruptest (is that a word) world leader we've ever had, but at least he has a (mind you- fucked up racist WASP Hitler-meets-Stalin-meets-Saddam Hussein but without WMDs) personality.
Actually, I take that back.
John Howard has the same amount of personality and conviction as George W.
The only difference is... John Howard (the Prime Minister of Australia) has no excuse for being a fuckwit. And his IQ IS over 100.

Don't get me wrong, John Kerry, anyone with a brain in the western world is hoping you win.
But if you do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop your US dollar crashing, because if even RUSSIA ratifies the Kyoto Protocol on gaseous emissions, and your country keeps pumping trillions of dollars into futile operations in IRAQ, we're farked.

Kerry baby, concentrate on those 58,000 missing absentee votes in Florida (as of yesterday). If you can find those, George Dubya can find those 450 tonnes of high explosives he lost in Iraq.

before I go...

Q: What's the difference between Fidel Castro and Yassir Arafat?
A: One of them is not dying thanks to the CIA.

read into that what you will

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