Saturday, October 02, 2004

Is it just me, or...

Is it just me, or is the world just a bit scary right now? Here in Australia, we have John Howard as Prime Minister, a man that would happily fellate George W. Bush on command and NOT ask for a reach-around. Seriously, he's the only "world leader" that never found Bush's ideals hard to swallow. If he wins the upcoming Australian federal election on October 9th, he should set aside some of the national budget on Prime Ministerial kneepads.

Don't get me wrong, Saddam Hussein is a festering psycho nutbag, a genocidal gloop of smegma on the blue veined junket pumper of humanity. But the WMD excuse to remove him from power is to cover the real 3-letter reason for the Iraqi invasion - OIL. The same oil that the Bushes and their cronies have bought and sold for donkeys (or camels) years. If North Korea had oil reserves, George W. Bush would invade them too. But North Korea doesn't have oil, just weapons of mass destruction. And North Korea doesn't need oil anyway - they have enough enriched plutonium and uranium to generate megatons of instant energy.

Senator John Kerry, good luck, but even though you have an IQ over 100, and don't have micro-penis syndrome, unless you can convince the American you have testicular fortitude, we may continue to have a world leader who not only is a convicted felon and high school drop out, but thinks that Jethro Tull was one of the Beverly Hillbillies. But if you do get elected John Kerry, don't be afraid to make unpopular decisions that could blow up in your face - just make sure that some White House staffer blows you first so you have a back-up media distraction.

And Prime Minister Howard, if you get reelected here in Australia, start blowing your best mate, Federal Treasurer Peter Costello on a regular basis - that gives him less of a chance to stab you in the back (et tu, Brutus?).

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